A# minor 13th chord
A#m13 chord for piano with keyboard diagram.
Explanation: The A sharp minor thirteenth is a seven-note chord. For practical reasons the chord is normally played with omitted notes and/or inverted. The chord is often abbreviated as A#m13 (alternatively A#min13).
Omissions: A#m13(no11): A# - C# - F - G# - C - G.
Theory: The A# minor thirteenth chord is constructed by extending the minor eleventh chord with a major thirteenth note.

Notes: A# - C# - F - G# - C - D# - G / A# - C# - E# - G# - B# - D# - F##
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Notes: A# - G# (left hand) C# - G (right hand)
Two-hand voicing
A#m13 inversions and voicings

Notes: A# - G# (left hand) C# - G (right hand)
Two-hand voicing