C# chords

Piano chords with the root note C# (C sharp) including pictures and explanation.
Choose from the categories below or change to another root note via the menu above.

C# chord categories

C# C#m C#7 C#m7 C#maj7 C#mM7 C#6 C#m6 C#6/9 C#5 C#9 C#m9 C#maj9 C#11 C#m11 C#maj11 C#13 C#m13 C#maj11 C#add C#7-5 C#7+5 C#sus C#dim C#dim7 C#m7b5 C#aug C#aug7

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Abbreviations are often used in chord names (alternative chord symbols in parentheses).

C# - C sharp major (C#△)
C#m - C sharp minor
C#7 - C sharp dominant seventh
C#m7 - C sharp minor seventh
C#maj7 - C sharp major seventh (C#△7)
C#mM7 - C sharp minor major seventh
C#6 - C sharp major sixth
C#m6 - C sharp minor sixth
C#6/9 - C sharp sixth/ninth (sixth added ninth)
C#5 - C sharp fifth
C#9 - C sharp dominant ninth
C#m9 - C sharp minor ninth
C#maj9 - C sharp major ninth
C#11 - C sharp eleventh
C#m11 - C sharp minor eleventh
C#13 - C sharp thirteenth
C#m13 - C sharp minor thirteenth
C#maj13 - C sharp major thirteenth
C#add - C sharp add
C#7-5 - C sharp seven minus five
C#7+5 - C sharp seven plus five
C#sus - C sharp suspended
C#dim - C sharp diminished (C#°)
C#dim7 - C sharp diminished seventh (C#°7)
C#m7b5 - C sharp minor seventh flat five (C#ø)
C#aug - C sharp augmented (C#+)
C#aug7 - C sharp augmented seventh