Chords in standard notation
The pictures illustrate chords in standard notation together with the note names and fingerings (for the right hand).
Major chords
The C major triad includes the notes C - E - G. The picture illustrates how it is played in standard notation (G-clef) in closed position at the 4th octave. The numbers written below the note symbols indicate the fingering: thumb (1), middle (3) and little finger (5). This is for the right hand, although the same fingers are involved when the chord is played by the left hand.
The D flat major triad includes the notes Db - F - Ab. The same chord includes the notes C# - F - G# when it is named C sharp. The two flat symbols (b) indicate that the tones are flattened, lowered one half tone.
The D major triad includes the notes D - F# - A. The sharp symbol (#) indicate that the tone is sharpened, raised one half tone.
The E flat major triad includes the notes Eb - G - Bb. The same chord includes the notes D# - G - A# when it is named D sharp.
The E major triad includes the notes E - G# - B.
The F major triad includes the notes F - A - C.
The F sharp major triad includes the notes F# - A#- C#. The same chord includes the notes Gb - Bb - Db when it is named G flat.
The G major triad includes the notes G - B - D.
The A flat major triad includes the notes Ab - C - Eb. The same chord includes the notes G# - C - D# when it is named G sharp.
The A major triad includes the notes A - C# - E.
The B flat major triad includes the notes Bb - D - F. The same chord includes the notes A# - D - F when it is named A sharp.
The B major triad includes the notes B - D# - F#.
Minor chords
The C minor triad includes the notes C - Eb - G. These notes are partly the same as for C major with the second note in the chord deviating.
The D flat minor triad includes the notes Db - Fb - Ab. The same chord includes the notes C# - E - G# when it is named C sharp minor.
The D minor triad includes the notes D - F - A.
The E flat minor triad includes the notes Eb - Gb - Bb. The same chord includes the notes D# - F# - A# when it is named D sharp minor.
The E minor triad includes the notes E - G - B.
The F minor triad includes the notes F - Ab - C.
The F sharp minor triad includes the notes F# - A- C#. The same chord includes the notes Gb - B - Db when it is named G flat minor.
The G minor triad includes the notes G - Bb - D.
The A flat minor triad includes the notes Ab - B - Eb. The same chord includes the notes G# - B - D# when it is named G sharp minor.
The A minor triad includes the notes A - C - E.
The B flat minor triad includes the notes Bb - Db - F. The same chord includes the notes A# - C# - F when it is named A sharp minor.
The B minor triad includes the notes B - D - F#.
See also Chord types ›