Convert notes into chords
Enter note letters:
Note letters are automatically capitalized in the text field of the chord converter. Don't activate Caps Lock or use the Shift key!
Use spaces between every note letter, but not for accidentals (# and b).
Correct way of typing: C E G
Incorrect ways of
typing: CEG / C,E,G / C-E-G
Correct way of typing when flats (b) are included: C Eb G
Correct way of typing when sharps (#) are included: D F# A
Use B instead of Cb, F instead of E# and so forth.
Notice the order of note letters. For example, C E G A = C6 but A C E G = Am7.
This is a reversed chord finder. You can use it if you wonder what specific chord a group of notes are forming. Remember that there are enharmonic chords, which means chords that consist of the same notes. If you think a chord is missing, you can send an email to
Chord symbols ›